Configure the Employee rounding workflow features to support your process including Rounding frequency and templates for notes and messages
Click on Settings at the top of your Employee Rounding workflow to view your configuration options
Option 1: Change your Rounding frequency. You may select a rolling or calendar frequency and change the interval
Note that if you change the rounding frequency, the title automatically changes (see examples below). You may also change the title to whatever you choose.
Option 2: Edit the note template. This is a great way to utilize prompts with your staff when rounding and document any relevant information shared. You may also simply leave it blank
Option 3: Edit the outgoing message template . This is used when sending a pre-rounding InForm to capture feedback and/or to schedule time with a team member for a Rounding meeting
Do not remove the green placeholder text preceded by # - these will appear as custom text for the individual team member
Option 4: Edit the message template used to share Peer Recognitions - this enables you to quickly and easily send a shout out or kudos from the team member you're Rounding on to one of their peers