Laudio's Employee Rounding workflow enables you to easily track and capture Rounding interactions (also known as leader rounding, one-on-ones, or employee check ins) with built in tools for documenting notes, tracking metrics, following up on tasks, and sharing results
What interactions can I track using the Employee Rounding workflow?
“Leader Rounding” “Quarterly Rounding” “One-on-Ones” – any check ins with your team members that you’d like to make a regular occurrence
Conversations with team members that go beyond “hey, how are you?” and touch on aspects of their daily work, something they need support on, something they think could be improved.
An opportunity for a meaningful interaction
There are no hard and fast rules in Laudio about what ”counts” as Employee Rounding!
How does this help save me time?
Laudio tracks the frequency of Rounding interactions (based on settings you configure) and lets you know when team members are "due"
You choose which features to use - simply Complete the interaction to track your progress (and report to your leaders as needed) or go deeper with additional tools
All tools needed to document, share peer recognitions, and follow up on the topics you cover are in one place
Notes and follow up from past rounding interactions are easy to access and share with other leaders on your team
Click below to learn about Laudio's Employee Rounding workflow features:
Configuring your Employee Rounding workflow settings
Send a Rounding InForm
Schedule a Rounding meeting (if applicable)
Complete a Rounding interaction
Document a Rounding note
Send a Peer Recognition
Add a task for follow up
Share Employee Rounding InForm responses