Conducting an audit in Laudio

Laudio users may use an already added audit form to capture data  using the steps below. Non-Laudio users may enter audit data using a QR code or link to this specific form (does not require a login). 


1. Begin capturing data using an audit form in one of three ways:

  • Click Add Audit in the top right corner of the Audits list and select from your active Audit forms  
  • Click the icon in your chosen Audit form’s respective row

Conducting an audit in Laudio_IMG1

  • Select your chosen Audit form and then click Add Audit from within the “form details” page.

Conducting an audit in Laudio_IMG2


2. Fill out the Audit form:

Optional: Begin typing a name to choose a team member to associate this response with (for instance, the staff member who is assigned to the patient this shift). This will add the results to the team member's Laudio profile. This will not share the results with the team member (you may do so following these steps).

Conducting an audit in Laudio_IMG3

Select the date of the audit and fill out the form.

Only Laudio users will see the Add note and Add task features, which allow you to create a note or task about your findings and (optionally) delegate follow-up to another Laudio user

Conducting an audit in Laudio_IMG5

3. Click Submit Response at the bottom of the page to save the result 

Conducting an audit in Laudio_IMG4