Customizing InForms settings

Click on the Settings tab to customize settings such as:

  • The template for the outgoing message and reminder message

  • Automated reminder messages

  • Recommendations based on InForm responses

  • Response delivery method


1. Select the InForm whose settings you wish to customize

2. Click on the Settings tab

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3. Responses:

  • You may choose whether to enable team members to enter their name on the InForm. Leave this unchecked to ensure anonymity (if you are using a QR code or web link to gather responses)
  • If you want to enable more than one response to an InForm, you should allow >1 response. If you are using a QR code or web link to collect responses, this should be set as high (or higher than) the number of responses you expect

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4. Message template: Customize the message in the outgoing email to your team members when the InForm is sent. Do not remove the blue placeholder text, which will become personalized to the team member. Customizing InForms settings_IMG3

5. Recommendations: Check this box to turn on Recommendations for this InForm. This will launch a Recommendation that appears on your Laudio homepage at the interval and frequency of your choosing, reminding you to send this InForm to one or more of your staff. 

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6. Scoring: If Scoring is enabled, you may choose to receive a notifications based on InForm responses. This will launch a Recommendation that appears on your Laudio homepage if the score for a particular response falls below a certain threshold. You may choose this threshold and customize the text of the (optional) message template. Customizing InForms settings_IMG5

7. Reminders: Choose whether you would like a Recommendation to appear on your homepage alerting you if the InForm response rate is below a customizable threshold Alternatively, you may enable automated reminders and choose the frequency and number of reminders sent, and customize the text of the message template. Customizing InForms settings_IMG6

8. Action Category: You may choose to change the category associated with this InForm Customizing InForms settings_IMG7

9. Email notifications: You may choose to receive an email notification when a response is submitted and/or when you send an inform (since the InForm is sent directly from Laudio, you will not see an outgoing message in your email sent folder, this creates an email record for you). Customizing InForms settings_IMG8