Time & Attendance - Individual Team Member View

This page reviews the individual team member view within the Time & Attendance workflow.

How do I view an individual team member's Time & Attendance data?

  • Click within the team member's row from the table view to look at more granular data about that person's time & attendance events, occurrences, trends etc. 

What data is available for my team in this view?

  • The same filters are available on this modal view, so you can filter your team member's data by time period, event types, and event or occurrences. 
  • Underneath the table you'll find the granular data for each event type

Becca Stone

How do I ignore incorrect data? What if I need to re-include incorrect data?

  • Watch this brief video to see the granular data that is available from this view, how to ignore incorrect data and how to re-include ignored data: