- Laudio Support Center
- Patient Rounding
- Data Visualization
View Patient Rounding data trends across your organization
Click on the Dashboard tab to access an overview of completed Rounds and average scores for the cost centers you have access to
Click on a cost center to view the details page, for detailed insights on Employee Rounding by that team including:
Round Completion (total)
Average Round Score
Rounds by leader
Round Completion (per time period, trended)
Average Round Score (per time period, trended)
Click on the filter in the top-right corner to change the time period
Click on the Rounds tab to view all completed Rounds. From this view you may open, edit, delete, and/or send an individual round
Click on the Questions tab to view a list of all questions from all active scripts, and the number of responses to and the average score for that question from completed rounds within that time period.
Sort by question, number of responses, and average score.
Click on any questions to see data on responses to that question including distribution of responses and specific responses recorded