1. Laudio Support Center
  2. Patient Rounding
  3. Capturing a Patient Rounding interaction

Recognizing a Team Member using Patient Rounding feedback

When a patient provides positive feedback about one of your team members during a Rounding interaction, you can send that recognition to that employee right from the Rounding script, with just a few clicks


To enable Team Member Recognition while using a rounding script, open the selected script and click on Settings

  • This will allow you to capture the feedback and send it as a message to one or more team members without leaving the workflow!

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When the checkbox is active, a question will appear in this rounding script that says "Is there anyone you would like to recognize for exceptional service?" enabling you to capture and send the patient's feedback, if applicable

  • You may customize the subject and body of the outgoing Recognition message by clicking anywhere in the subject line or body of the template

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To send patient feedback to a specific team member, add a round to begin documenting the rounding interaction and scroll to the bottom of the script to find the feedback message template

  • Enter the team member name(s) and fill out the template with the specific feedback
  • You may send one recognition to multiple team members, or click Add Another to send a separate recognition to a team member
  • Do not include PHI in the subject or body of your message 

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Click Save and Complete when you are finished capturing all feedback in this Rounding interaction to send this recognition message to the chosen team member(s)

You will be taken back to the Patient Rounding workflow page and will see a pop-up letting you know the round has been logged and how it was scored


You will see the Recognition message on the team member(s) profile under Activity. It has been sent to the team member(s) via email

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